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    Hello there :3

    Hello there nice people of the S3RL community! my name is B3CKDOOR, im 19 years old and i love S3RL (but who doesnt around here :p) I come from the netherlands, I am still on school, its my last year do (studying IT networking expert course)(gonna spare you the boring details) Im the proud...

    S3RL app

    Soo i kinda started making a S3RL fanmade app, If anyone has some ideas what should be in the app let me know in this thread! EDIT: At first im gonna make a ANDROID app, if there is the need for Iphone and Windows phone let me know!

    Ideas / Questions

    Hello there! I had some Ideas / Questions, 1. Is there a official / fanmade teamspeak for S3RL? No... 2. How can i get S3RL to have a party at my location / what do i need to do to get that happening (if that is even remotely possible) D4RK FUN: In order to get S3RL to come to your location...