What's your bead count for Kandi?


Active Member
S3RL Super Fan
Aug 26, 2015
Florida, USA
Question above. 😛 I got a whole bunch of pony beads and I've made probably 10 pounds or more of Kandi so far. But I still have yet to work on yours.... Now I made yours a few years back when I got a bead pack from my mom but it's in desperate need for fixing. The string that I used frayed a bunch and is literally hanging on by a thread and now that i've gotten a whole bunch of different styles of pony beads I'd like to give it some pizzaz, So I'm re doing it! The only thing is though that I can't decide on what I want to do yet (all I know is i'm putting 'Jole' on it) It'll probably be glow in the dark beads with star beads & your name that I doubled to lay on top of the pony beads (If that makes sense) But then I realized that I don't know your bead count.. And I'd really want to make sure it'll fit your wrist/arm once I give it to you on the 23rd next month! 😀

So... What's your bead count? And also, Are there any certain colors you'd like me to put on it? I have blue, green, white, orange, yellow & pink of glow in the dark & I can also do all of them in a pattern if you like since I heard you like rainbow (And i'm with you on that!)

Thanks and I hope you'll like whatever I come up with once I give it to you! 🙂
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I have no idea what my actual bead count is, haha. Way too many to count. I have a pic on my FB from a few years ago with all my kandi at the time. I'll have to do another one when I get back from this current tour cos I already have a lot more.

This was the last pic (2013) https://www.facebook.com/DJ.S3RL.Of...74283828.467299.76301293827/10151784850093828

Ahh I see. Well either way I actually already made yours to give to you in a few days & I used 30 beads so it's a bit big and hangs off of my arm so I'm sure it'll fit you just fine. I ended up doing it rainbow glow with rainbow stars and your name doubled on top. I hope you like it when I give it to you but I'm sure you will. ^_^
I actually liked how I did yours so much that I made an exact copy for myself, Only difference is I didn't put Jole on mine xD

Also, you really should do another picture! I'm sure you have much more then that by now since it's been a few years.
Make sure to throw the one I give you in the massive pile! 😉

But anyway, Thanks a bunch though for answering! I really appreciate it.
See you the 23rd! 😀
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Yes as soon as I get all my kandi together I'll do another pic =)

When we meet make sure you tell me you're Savanna from the S3RL site cos I have no idea what you look like =P
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Yes as soon as I get all my kandi together I'll do another pic =)

When we meet make sure you tell me you're Savanna from the S3RL site cos I have no idea what you look like =P

Nice! Can't wait to see it! 😀

I did. 😛 Well technically I asked you 'Remember the person from the S3RL forum who asked you if you met your fans & said they were going to this rave?' And you said you did and I explained that I was the person who asked you that from the forum! Sorry, I would've said I was Savanna but I actually just saw this post. You're a smart guy though, I'm sure you can figure it out. 😛
I'm gonna write the whole story of everything that happened to me and how I felt about the rave soon but I can't get on a computer yet and I'd much rather write what I know is going to be a very long story on a computer because phone typing sucks + I want to upload all the pics I took there too.. I'll be able to soon though! 🙂

Thanks so much by the way, after looking all through the rave, all around the building and in the parking lot for over 20 minutes I really didn't think I was gonna see you, so when I saw you come through those doors I was the happiest person ever. And I honestly still am because I just can't get over it! So I'm very, very happy that I got to meet you. 🙂
Oh one more thing, Thank you for spelling my name right! I just had to say thanks cause I was pretty shocked when I noticed that you spelled it right because no one ever does. Even on face book where your name is right at the top. It's like really? You can't care enough to check the top?! 😛
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Haha yeah don't worry, I knew who you were as soon as I saw you =)

It was great to meet you! I'm glad you finally managed to find me. I was out and about during the whole show, also got to check out the rest of the con which was cool, too! It was a huge show so no wonder you couldn't find me, haha. Oh well, it all worked out =)

And no worries, I'm glad I could get your name right Savvonah!