Question above. 😛 I got a whole bunch of pony beads and I've made probably 10 pounds or more of Kandi so far. But I still have yet to work on yours.... Now I made yours a few years back when I got a bead pack from my mom but it's in desperate need for fixing. The string that I used frayed a bunch and is literally hanging on by a thread and now that i've gotten a whole bunch of different styles of pony beads I'd like to give it some pizzaz, So I'm re doing it! The only thing is though that I can't decide on what I want to do yet (all I know is i'm putting 'Jole' on it) It'll probably be glow in the dark beads with star beads & your name that I doubled to lay on top of the pony beads (If that makes sense) But then I realized that I don't know your bead count.. And I'd really want to make sure it'll fit your wrist/arm once I give it to you on the 23rd next month! 😀
So... What's your bead count? And also, Are there any certain colors you'd like me to put on it? I have blue, green, white, orange, yellow & pink of glow in the dark & I can also do all of them in a pattern if you like since I heard you like rainbow (And i'm with you on that!)
Thanks and I hope you'll like whatever I come up with once I give it to you! 🙂
So... What's your bead count? And also, Are there any certain colors you'd like me to put on it? I have blue, green, white, orange, yellow & pink of glow in the dark & I can also do all of them in a pattern if you like since I heard you like rainbow (And i'm with you on that!)
Thanks and I hope you'll like whatever I come up with once I give it to you! 🙂